Acoustic Glossary


K : Sound and Vibration Terms and Definitions ...

k : kilo an SI prefix = 1000

kg : kilogram, the base unit of mass in the SI and MKS versions of the metric system. The kilogram is defined as the mass of the standard kilogram.
1 kg = 1000 g ~ 2.204 pounds

kg·m : kilogram metre
1 : a metric unit of work or energy equal to 9.806 65 joules (J).
2 : a metric unit of torque equal to 9.806 65 newton metres (N·m).

kg·m/s : kilogram metre per second = momentum.

kg·m/s² : kilogram metre per second-squared = force

kg·m² : kilogram metre-squared = moment of inertia

kg·m²/s² : kilogram metre-squared per second-squared = energy or work.

kg·m²/s3 : kilogram metre-squared per second-cubed = power.

kg/m/s² : kilogram per metre per second-squared, = pressure
See also the pascal.

kg/m3 : kilogram per metre-cubed = densitymass density

kg/s : kilogram per second = mass flow rate

kHz : kilohertz 1 kHz = 1000 Hz = 1000 Hertz.

kilo (k) an SI prefix = 103 • see other SI units

kilohertz (kHz) : 1000 Hz.

kilopascal (kPa), a common metric unit of pressure.

1 kilopascal = 1000 pascals (Pa) = 10 millibars (mb)

Kinematic Field Quantities, vibration velocity, particle velocity.

Kinetic Energy, all moving things have kinetic energy. It is energy possessed by an object due to its motion or movement, measured in joules.

See also sound energy density

Kt : tone assessment parameter

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